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Stanford is reopening the Dish area beginning on Monday, July 6, with regular summer hours – 6 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. daily. We are eager to welcome you back, and committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for the enjoyment of all.

The university has made a series of improvements to comply with Santa Clara County health orders and promote proper physical distancing. Changes include the installation of a new pedestrian access gate at Stanford Avenue and temporary signage throughout the Dish area, the smoothing of areas next to the pathway to allow more room for passing, and pavement striping to clearly indicate the direction of one-way pedestrian foot traffic.

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  • If presenting COVID-19 symptoms, please DO NOT enter the Dish area
  • Maintain six feet of distance at all times from people not in your immediate household
  • Carry a face covering and wear it when you cannot physically distance from those who are not in your household
  • Avoid gathering in groups
  • Appropriately enter and exit gate entrances according to ground markings
  • The main 3.3-mile loop is one-way in the counterclockwise direction to allow for passing at a safer distance. Visitors must plan to complete the loop.
  • Refrain from touching any surfaces including gate entrances, fences, trash cans, signage, and etc.
  • Follow all ground markings
  • Circulation changes from 安卓手机怎么改国外ip地址, and vice versa:
    • Walk single file
    • Stay to the right of the path at all times
    • Do not pass until you have reached the loop or exited the gate
  • Circulation changes along the loop:
    • Two people from the same household or social bubble may walk side-by-side as long as they remain on the far right side of the path
    • Stay to the right of the route at all times unless passing
    • Pass only in the left lane when clear
    • Travel only in the counterclockwise direction
    • Plan to complete the entire loop – do not turn around

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The Dish is a special area to both Stanford and the surrounding communities, and it serves many purposes.

  • Academic programs – The Dish itself is a radiotelescope that is still in use. Other research and teaching programs also use the dish area.
  • Environmental Restoration – Stanford's Conservation Biology Program is directing a program of environmental restoration in the dish area, which includes use of native grasses and other plants.
  • Habitat Conservation – Portions of the dish area will be devoted to special efforts to enhance habitat for the California tiger salamander, including the development of new breeding ponds.
  • Recreation – The Dish is a popular recreational area for hiking and jogging and is open to the public from approximately sunrise to sunset throughout the year.